TUHSD | 2022 Election Results

2022 Election Results
On Nov. 8, 2022, voters in the Tempe Union High School District re-elected Governing Board Member Andres Barraza and also elected Amanda Steele. The following results are according to the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office as of November 21, 2022, 1:39 PM:

Tempe Union Governing Board
(2 seats available)
Amanda Steele: 49,750 votes
Andres Barraza: 38,245 votes
Stephan Kingsley: 32,620 votes
Voters also approved Tempe Union’s three Special Election Questions.

Tempe Union Question 1: Bond
Yes  59,253 votes
No   41,558 votes
The $100 million-dollar bond will invest in capital improvements at our schools. This includes projects such as roofing, science labs, and interior/exterior lighting for the school and athletic fields.

Tempe Union Question 2: M&O Override
Yes  59,875 votes
No   40,386 votes
The continuation of the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) Override supports maintaining smaller class sizes, competitive teacher salaries, performing arts and athletics, Career and Technical Education (CTE), Gifted, ELL and many extra-curricular programs. Overrides are approved by voters for a term of seven years.

Tempe Union Question 3: DAA Override
Yes  59,909 votes
No   40,875 votes
The State of Arizona allocates funds for school districts based on a set formula. District Additional Assistance (DAA) funds (formerly known as capital funds) are allocated on a per-student basis and are used for items expected to last more than one year such as furniture, fixtures and technology. Voters approved the renewal of an $8,700,000 DAA Override to address capital needs for items such as student laptops, teacher and staff technology districtwide, textbooks, student furniture and equipment.