Fight Song & Alma Mater

  • Fight Song 

    Oh Mountain Pointe! Your praise we sing.
    Tradition shows we are a team.
    Our greatest strength lies deep inside.
    In hearts and minds we are the Pride.
    Fight on MPHS!
    Our purpose is to be the best.
    Maroon and Gold we do unite.
    We’re family for Pride we fight!
    Oh mighty Pride! Our spirit’s strong!
    With lions’ strength we all belong.
    When we perform for Pride we stand.
    So hear our roar through all the land!
    WE ARE MP!

    Alma Mater 

    Mountain Pointe we sing to you
    As your sons and daughters true.
    When we leave this place behind,
    We will always keep in mind
    All the things we’ve learned while here
    In our hearts we will hold dear

    Though the world, we know, will test us
    We will always persevere
    When we face our toughest trials
    We will look to you, standing strong, without fear

    Mountain Pointe we sing to you
    As your sons and daughters true
    Though today we say goodbye
    On this fact you can rely
    We will build your legacy
    Through purpose, pride, performance
    We’ll be true to thee!