Library FAQ's

  • Pride Library Hours:
    • The MPHS Pride Library is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 3:45 PM. (Times are subject to change.)
    • In the event of faculty meetings and/or district meetings, the closing time will be posted on the Pride Library main entrance. 
    • The Pride Library will close immediately on the third day of final exams. 

    Pride Library Policies & Procedures:   

    • Every student entering the Pride Library must sign in at the Circulation Desk unless they are attending class in the library or one of the computer labs with their teacher. 
    • Students are welcome to come to the Pride Library before school, during lunch, and after school without a pass. During class, students must have the official Pride Library hall pass or they will be sent back to class.  
    • No food is allowed in the Pride Library, including candy. Students will be asked to leave for the day if they are eating in the Pride Library.
    • Drinks are only allowed if the drink has a secure, screwed on lid (example: stainless steel bottles or plastic bottles). Cans and disposable, to-go cups are NOT allowed in the Pride Library. The Pride Library has a drinking fountain for students to use. 

    Finding books & eBooks:

    • The online Destiny Catalog is the key to finding books and eBooks in the MPHS Pride Library collection. All books in the MPHS Pride Library are listed in the Destiny Catalog. The catalog listing also includes information about their location in the Pride Library. If a student needs assistance, please visit the circulation desk and the Pride Library staff will be happy to help.
    • The MPHS Pride Library currently uses the Dewey Decimal System, a system that organizes books and other library materials by classification, allowing students and staff to browse the shelves for materials on a specific topic.

    Checking out materials:

    • You must have a current Mountain Pointe ID number to check out materials.
    • Books may be checked out for a three (3) week period and can be renewed if the student needs more time to finish reading the book(s).
    • Students are limited to five (5) checked-out items at a time.

    Pride Library fines:

    • We do not charge fines for overdue materials, however students may not check out additional materials until overdue items are returned.
    • Students must pay for damaged or lost items. If the item is later found, the student can get a refund by mail.

    Research & Databases: 

    • MPHS students, faculty and staff have access to online databases that include both full-text documents and citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, etc format.
    • All databases can be accessed remotely using your MPHS Pride Library passwords. English teachers have the usernames and passwords for each database posted on their Schoology page.

     Computers & Data:

    • It is highly recommended that students save their work to their Google Drive, save their work to their H:Drive (see below), and/or carry a flash drive of at least 8GB.
    • Students are encouraged to use their school issued Gmail account. Students can access their personal e-mail accounts from school computers however not all internet email accounts can be accessed, due to strict security regulations from the District.
    • Students have access to Office 2013 products including (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, GoogleDocs, sheets, slides, etc...) on all student computers at Mountain Pointe.
    • Computers use the Windows 10 operating system.

     Access and saving to the H:Drive:

    • The H:Drive is where students can store their work and it can be accessed on any school computer.
    • Where is your H:Drive? You can find it this way:
      • From the START menu, select “MY COMPUTER” and choose the option with your student ID number on our server. This is your H: Drive. 
      • In order to save to your H:Drive, you must first choose the “Save As” option from the Office Button menu of the application you are currently using (Word, Excel, etc.).
      • Your work will be saved to “My Documents” in your H:Drive.
        • The H: Drive can ONLY be accessed on Tempe Union devices.


    • Students receive ten (10) pages a week from the PaperCut program. The pages roll over if they are not used and max out at forty (40) pages.
    • To save paper, print multiple PowerPoint or Google slides on one sheet of paper
      • select PRINT
      • under SETTINGS, click the drop down menu under SLIDES
      • choose the set up you desire (4-9 slides per page)

    MLA Format:

    • In Word, there is a tab on the top called 'References'. 
      • In the center of the Word ribbon, you will find "Citations and Bibliography'. 
      • Highlight your text, Go to 'Style' and scroll down to 'MLA'.