Employment Opportunities at TUHSD

  • Thank you for your interest in joining the Tempe Union High School District team as an employee or volunteer! TUHSD welcomes applicants from all walks of life and we have a wide variety of job positions available now.

    Click the Frontline button below to find current, open positions for certified, classified, administrative, extracurricular, or volunteer opportunities. When completing an application, please remember to use your legal name that is on your social security card.

    2024-2025 TEACH[IN]G POSITIONS NOW POSTED! Click the Frontline button below to check them out and begin your application TODAY! 

    Applicant Login Button

    Tempe Union High School District employs Substitute Teachers through Educational Services Inc. (ESI).

    If you are a SUBSTITUTE TEACHER please click here or select Substitute Services in the Human Resources menu for further instructions. Substitute Teachers do NOT need to fill out a TUHSD application.

Employee Benefits

  • Today, more than ever, employee benefits represent an integral part of your total compensation.

    Tempe Union High School District offers an excellent benefits plan which provides our employees a choice of medical plans, supplemental dental, vision, and life insurance plans, income protection in the event they become disabled, retirement savings, and a host of other competitive benefit plans and policies. We offer the following benefits (eligibility requirements apply):

    • Medical, Dental & Vision Insurance
    • Vacation & Leaves
    • Retirement Benefits
    • Workers' Compensation
    • Life & Disability Insurance
    • Flexible Spending Accounts
    • Miscellaneous Services


Additional Applicant Resources

  • Arizona Department of Education – Educator Certification
    Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Fingerprint Clearance Cards
    Phone: (602) 223-2279 | Fax: (602) 223-2947

    Paraprofessional Applicants:
    Highly Qualified Testing:

    • ACT Workkeys 1-800-workkey
    • Master Teacher's Para Educator Learning Network 1-800-669-9633
    • Para Pro 1-800-772-9476

     An Equal Opportunity Employer:

    Notice of Non-Discrimination

    Tempe Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity and expression), age, disability, veteran or military status, religion, or genetic information, or any other prohibited factor in the admission or access to, treatment or employment in its educational programs or activities. Inquiries or complaints concerning discrimination, including Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX may be referred to the Superintendent, the District’s Compliance Officer: See Notice of Non-Discrimination - PDF.

    Aviso de No discriminación

    El Distrito de las Escuelas Secundarias de Tempe no discriminan en base de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo (incluyendo la orientación sexual y la identidad de género y expresón), edad, discapacidad, veterano o estatus militar, religión, o información genética o cualquier otro factor prohibido en la admisión o acceso, tratamiento o empleo en sus programas educativos o actividades.  Preguntas o quejas relativas a la discriminación, incluyendo Titulo VI, Titulo VII y Titulo IX se pueden referir al Superintendente, Oficial de Cumplimiento del Distrito: Aviso de No Discriminación - PDF.