COVID-19 Resources for Social & Emotional Wellness

  • It is totally normal and understandable for us all to feel more unsettled and stressed than usual at this time. It’s OK to have questions, to be frustrated, and to seek additional support when you need it for yourself or for those you care for.

    Please reference any of our resources below or additional resources under this section for your social and emotional wellness and related needs. Even with so many businesses shut down, helping professionals are working hard to make phone and online support available.

    For more serious and immediate social-emotional needs, the following are some available resources. Please also remember to research services available through your insurance company.

    School support staff are also available to you during school hours for consultation and support of various kinds. Many staff have regular “office hours” online, and will also respond to emails or phone calls if you want to reach out to them. See your school’s website for specific contact information.

    This is also an excellent time to practice and model self-care, to have some fun family time, or perhaps even to have some quiet alone time that was harder to come by before this began.

    COVID-19 Resources for STAFF *If you are not already logged into the Staff Intranet, you will be prompt to log in.


COVID-19 Resources for Parents