Open Enrollment
The Open Enrollment Application is completed during the Online Enrollment Process.
Open Enrollment enables Arizona students to attend public schools outside their attendance area. In accordance with state law, the Tempe Union High School District has established an open enrollment policy.
If your student resides within the borders of the high school that you would like for your student to attend, you do not need to apply for Open Enrollment. Go directly to the Enrollment webpage and follow the instructions.
If you have any questions about Open Enrollment, please contact your school of choice.
- Corona del Sol – 1001 East Knox Road |
- Desert Vista – 16440 South 32nd Street |
- Marcos de Niza – 6000 South Lakeshore Drive |
- McClintock – 1830 East Del Rio Drive |
- Mountain Pointe – 4201 East Knox Road |
- Tempe High – 1730 South Mill Avenue |
*It is important that you do not withdraw your student from their current school until the open enrollment process is complete and you have been approved to register at the new school.
Please review the information below before continuing with the open enrollment application process.
- "Nonresident pupil" is a student who resides outside of the District's boundaries but who seeks to enroll in the District.
- "Resident transfer pupil" is a student who resides in the District but who seeks to enroll in a school outside of the student's attendance area.
- For the purposes of these definitions, a person resides within a district or a school attendance area whenever the pupil (if emancipated) or his parent(s) or legal guardian has established residence or domicile by being physically present or intending to reside permanently.
Enrollment Priorities for Excess Capacity
If it is determined that a school has the capacity to accept nonresident or resident transfer pupils, such pupils shall be selected on the basis of designated priority categories from the pool of pupils (1) who have properly completed and submitted applications; and (2) who meet admission criteria.
Enrollment priorities and procedures for selection shall be based in the order applications were received and in accordance with the following:
- The enrollment of eligible children of employees of the District;
- Resident transfer pupils who were enrolled in the school the previous year and any sibling who would be enrolled concurrently with such pupils;
- Resident transfer pupils who were not enrolled in the school the previous year;
- Nonresident pupils who were enrolled in the school the previous year and any sibling who would be enrolled concurrently with such pupils;
- Nonresident pupils who were not enrolled in the school the previous year.
Admission Criteria
Students shall be accepted based on the enrollment priorities discussed above until the school has met capacity.
It should be noted that applicant acceptance does not guarantee the applicant's placement into a given program except for those pupils whose eligibility is defined by applicable state or federal law. When accepted by the school, placement of pupils from outside a school's attendance area will follow the process for program placement outlined for all pupils attending that school.
The school/district shall notify the emancipated pupil, parent(s), or legal guardian in writing whether the applicant has been accepted, placed on a waiting list pending the availability of capacity, or rejected. If the applicant is placed on a waiting list, the notification shall inform the pupil, parent(s), or legal guardian of the date when it will be determined whether there is capacity for additional enrollment in a school. If the pupil's application is rejected, the reason for the rejection shall be stated in the notification.
Transportation will not be provided to any student who lives outside the boundaries of the school of enrollment as set forth in A.R.S. 15-816. Exceptions are special education students whose Individualized Education Plans require it and those approved by the Superintendent. Visit the Transportation Department's webpage to view bus schedules for each of our high schools, ROTC, and the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT).
Compliance With Rules
As a condition of acceptance, the parent(s) or legal guardian and the pupil must agree to comply with all District policies including homework, pupil conduct, attendance, and minimum enrollment commitments, so long as these also apply to resident pupils. These standards of acceptance shall not include previous academic achievement, previous athletic or extracurricular ability, proficiency in the English language, or disability conditions. Failure to abide by all District policies may result in the student being suspended, expelled, and/or non-renewed for open enrollment the following school year.
A school is not required to admit a pupil who has been expelled, is in the process of being expelled, or who is not in compliance with a condition of disciplinary action imposed by another school, school district, or the juvenile court.
Athletic Eligibility
Eligibility for athletics and extracurricular activities is affected when students transfer from one school to another. Students considering transfer must contact the Assistant Principal of Athletics at the high school to determine eligibility status in relation to the possible transfer.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Tempe Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity and expression), age, disability, veteran or military status, religion, or genetic information, or any other prohibited factor in the admission or access to, treatment or employment in its educational programs or activities. Inquiries or complaints concerning discrimination, including Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX may be referred to the Superintendent, the District’s Compliance Officer: See Notice of Non-Discrimination - PDF.
Aviso de No discriminación
El Distrito de las Escuelas Secundarias de Tempe no discriminan en base de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo (incluyendo la orientación sexual y la identidad de género y expresón), edad, discapacidad, veterano o estatus militar, religión, o información genética o cualquier otro factor prohibido en la admisión o acceso, tratamiento o empleo en sus programas educativos o actividades. Preguntas o quejas relativas a la discriminación, incluyendo Titulo VI, Titulo VII y Titulo IX se pueden referir al Superintendente, Oficial de Cumplimiento del Distrito: Aviso de No Discriminación - PDF.