Facility Use Class Definitions
Facility Use Class Definitions
Class I - Fees
This class of user is exclusively for nonprofit organizations as defined below. This class of user may be charged incurred costs based on the purpose of the meeting and personnel costs incurred by the District.
- Federal, state, and local governmental units for which reciprocal agreements have been executed using school facilities for public meetings or other limited activities on an occasional or sporadic basis
- Tempe Union High School District Parent-Teacher-Student Organizations, including Booster Groups
Class II - Fees
This class of user is for nonprofit organizations whose academic or recreational activities directly serve school-age (K-12) children. This class of user will be charged a minimal facility rental fee, personnel and other incurred costs by the District.
Class III - Fees
This class of user is for nonprofit organizations that do not meet Class I or II definitions. This class of user will be charged a reasonable use fee for the facility, personnel and other incurred costs by the District.
- Federal, state, and local governmental units or elected officials when conducting community or official business within the District for which no reciprocal agreements have been executed.
- Institutions of higher learning or District departments conducting staff development, in-service or other job-related training classes to the general public.
- Organizations that are normally housed in their own facilities, such as church groups, are able to use District facilities only on an interim basis. These circumstances require that a permit be renewed every three (3) months, with a maximum of three (3) renewals.
- Homeowners Associations.
Class IV - Fees
This class of user is for all organizations not meeting the definitions of the other classifications. Any activity of a profit-making organization conducted for the purpose of donating profits or proceeds to the District or to a public charity does not change the rental fee rate from this schedule.
- Any commercial or profit-making organization or individual, regardless of the purpose for their use of facilities.
- Charter and Private schools.
Class V - Fees
This category of user not meeting the definitions of the other classifications is exempt from facility fees but subject to all incurred costs by the District. Groups include but are not limited to:
- District-sponsored staff and student groups or clubs.
- District-sponsored school teams.
- District-approved camps/clinics.
- Teacher organizations and site councils.
- District departments conducting staff development, in-service or other job-related training classes for District personnel and at the request of a District administrator.
- AIA league, region, and state activities that involve District teams.
- Professional development programs for employees of TUHSD.
- District-sponsored Arizona Music Educators Association (AMEA)/Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association (ABODA) organizations - State music organizations in which District students are involved.
Incurred Costs
Districts are required by state law to recover incurred expenses as a result of the community's use of facilities. Costs are defined in the classification rate sheet.
Charges are for custodial services beyond the normal cleaning already included in the facility rental rates.
Fees associated with viewing the facility, in conjunction with a signed Facility Use Agreement, may incur an additional reasonable cost for time spent at the facility prior to actual use.
Goods and Services Contributed
A person, group or organization may contribute goods or render services as full or partial payment of the user fee. The value of the goods will be determined by the District based upon established market price, trade in value, posted prices; or, where these methods prove impractical, appraisal or barter may be employed so long as the procedure is advantageous to the District. The value of services rendered shall be based upon the hourly wages of a beginning employee of this or another Arizona School District performing similar functions as determined by the District. Should disagreement between the contributor and the District occur as to the value of the goods or services offered, the District reserves the right to refuse to accept the offer.
Facility Use Contact
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