High School Health & Wellness Program
Today’s high school students are facing a multitude of challenges not experienced by many previous generations. In addition to academic success, high schools are challenged with addressing the many social and emotional needs of students.
The mission of the Tempe Union High School District is “Excellence in Teaching and Learning.” However, we strongly believe that in order for students to be able to learn, they must have a connection to their campus and an environment where they feel safe, secure and loved.
With a dramatic rise in substance abuse being realized across the country and the state of Arizona, TUHSD is partnering with the Governor’s Office to address this growing and deadly epidemic. The Arizona High School Health and Wellness Program* has been built on the understanding that student participation in positive school activities, such as substance abuse prevention programs, helps protect children against risky behavior and reduce the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
TUHSD will utilize the grant money to provide resources to all seven TUHSD schools that will inform, educate, engage and connect parents, students, and staff with prevention strategies and approaches that are beneficial to social and emotional health and wellness of students.
*The High School Health and Wellness Program is funded by the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family.