Immigrant/ Refugees Resources
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Cultural Brokers and National Organizations
As the Tempe community becomes increasingly diverse the school community will be impacted. This will result in diverse cultures coming together and necessitating a mutual understanding of unique cultural characteristics. From time to time educators will require the expertise of “cultural brokers” in helping them, parents/guardians, students, and residents build a sense of community.
Cultural brokering is defined as the act of bridging, linking, or mediating between groups or persons of different cultural backgrounds for the purpose of reducing conflict and producing both beneficial and effective change. A cultural broker, with knowledge of a specific culture, acts as a go-between or liaison, or someone who advocates on behalf of another individual or group.
Cultural brokers facilitate cultural competency by facilitating an awareness of one's own cultural worldview, promoting positive attitudes towards cultural differences, creating forums to increase knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and fostering cross-cultural skills. These individuals help the district in recognizing that “all people are of worth and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.” (Tempe Union High School District, Core Values.)
- Pakistan Information and Cultural Organization, INC. - OCA Asian Pacific Americans greater Phoenix Chapter - Somali American United Council of Arizona - Iraqi American Society - American Muslim Women’s Association - Welcome to America Project - Arizona Immigrant and Refugee Services - Arizona State University - Immigration Clinic - Catholic Charities Community Services of Phoenix - Familias Unidas - International Rescue Committee - Matthew House:
- Arizona Refugee Resettlement Program | Arizona Department of Economic Security - website
- Refugee Children in U.S. Schools: A Toolkit for Teachers and School Personnel - Resources for Supporting and Educating Migrant Refugee Children - Guidance for Teachers and Educators - Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff - Educational Resources for Immigrants, Refugees, Asylees and other New Americans
Additional Immigrant/Refugees Resources
- Supporting Immigrant Students in Uncertain Times: Strategies for Schools: https://reimaginingmigration.
org/supporting-immigrant- students-in-uncertain-times- strategies-for-schools/?mc_ cid=b45a7c7133&mc_eid= 0481a3a21b - Proposition 314 Resources - PDF
- Guidance on Immigration Issues:
- Immigrants' Rights:
- What if I'm Picked up by ICE in Arizona? Making a Family Plan:
- Immigrant Refugee Educators - A guide for educators and school support staff - PDF
- Immigrant Refugee Resource Guide: Supporting Undocumented Youth - PDF
- Immigrant Refugee Newcomer Tool Kit - PDF
- Immigrant Refugee Services - AZ Refugee Resettlement Programs - PDF