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23-24 Individual Performance Incentive Pay (IPIP)

The 23-24 IPIP Application is now open in Google Forms. Please click on the link in the dropdown below under "23-24 IPIP Application" to access and complete the form. Forms are due by 5 PM, Friday, October 6th.

In a vote last spring, teachers overwhelmingly voted to continue the IPIP in its current form for the next three (3) years (23-4 SY, 24-25 SY, and 25-26 SY). A summary of the plan is listed in the 23-24 IPIP Guidelines.

The amount of the distribution for your participation will be $500 and will be paid out in June, 2024.

Please remember: the application is a requirement for participation and to receive credit for the professional development offered on PD days. You must opt-in by completing the application telling us “YES” you want to participate or “NO” you do not. Thanks in advance for your diligence!