Student Teaching & Internships
Field Experience Placement Process for Student Teaching, Internships, and Observations.
Tempe Union High School District values our collegiate partnerships and wants to provide an opportunity for students to complete their field experience requirements with us. It is important that the following clearance process is completed prior to a college student entering a
TUHSD campus or in a classroom.
Field Experience NO longer than one (1) school day (classroom observation):
- The student contacts the Assistant Principal of Academics to schedule a campus visit and arrange the classroom(s) to observe.
Field Experience MORE than one (1) day (student teaching, internships, and observations):
The College Placement Advisor contacts the Assistant Principal of Academics at the selected school to arrange placement and obtain the name of the Mentor Teacher.
The College Placement Advisor emails the student their placement information, along with instructions on completing the TUHSD online application and attaching their DPS, IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card.
Here is the link to the application:
You may cc: TUHSD Human Resources Department on the above student’s email or notify them on a separate email. Jena Pachello is the current Human Resource Contact. She may be reached at 480-839-0292 Ext. 15025 or by email
Once the student is cleared to begin his/her field experience, Human Resources will send an email confirming placement to the student, the College Placement Advisor, the Assistant Principal of Academics, and the Mentor Teacher.
- To prevent any delays in the approval process, the College Placement Advisor’s name must be on file with TUHSD Human Resources Department.
- Students must complete a new application and obtain clearance from TUHSD Human Resources Department each Semester. Clearance from a prior semester is not valid.
Field Experience Placement Process - Above information in Word Doc format.
Human Resources Contacts
HR Department Specialist - CDS, DV, MdN, MHS, MP, THS, and DO
480-839-0292 x15024
DO Receptionist