Welcome to TUHSD Transportation
Below are expectations regarding regulations and conduct while utilizing TUHSD school buses for transportation.
Bus Regulations
Riding a school bus is a privilege, not a right. The student who persists in misbehaving on school buses jeopardizes the safety of everyone on the bus and may lose the privilege of riding the bus.
The bus driver is responsible for maintaining discipline on the bus and in this capacity has the authority to assign seats and to make other reasonable demands of students. Any necessary discipline will be administered by a principal. Bus drivers may deliver a misbehaving student to a school principal or to the police before finishing the route in extreme circumstances. Once privileges are lost, that student cannot ride any bus for the duration of the suspension. Students will only be put off the bus at the bus stop or at school.
Bus Conduct
- Masks are optional per information released by the CDC on February 25, 2022
- ID required to ride the bus. Please show the driver as you enter the bus.
- Passengers must remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion.
- The bus driver may assign seats.
- Be courteous.
- No profanity.
- DO NOT eat or drink on the bus.
- Keep the bus clean.
- No smoking.
- Keep all body parts and objects inside the bus. Do not throw anything inside or outside the bus.
- All instruments and equipment carried by passengers shall be under their control at all times and carried in their laps, between seats, or properly secured in a vacant seat. Nothing shall be placed in the driver's compartment or the stepwell.
- The aisle is to be open and passable at all times.
- No harmful objects and substances are allowed on the bus at any time. This includes drugs, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, glass containers, pets, radios, skateboards, etc.
- Cleats and spikes are not allowed on the bus at any time.
- Do not destroy property. Students will be charged for damages.
- For your own safety, do not distract the bus driver through misbehavior.
Misbehavior on the bus can result in removal from the bus for 1 to 10 days, depending on circumstances, or permanent removal from the bus by a formal hearing at the discretion of the principal. Serious misbehavior on the bus may include suspension or expulsion from school.
Rules while at the bus stop
- Be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is due to depart. The driver will not wait at the bus stop past the departure time. If the bus driver arrives early to the stop he/she will wait until the scheduled time of departure.
- Always walk to the bus stop. Never run.
- Stop and look both ways if you must cross the street.
- Respect private property. Do not throw trash, bottles, cups, etc. on the ground.
- While at the bus stop, wait quietly well away from the road.
- Smoking is not permitted at the bus stop.
- When the bus approaches, stand at least six (6) feet away from the curb and line up away from the street without crowding or pushing.