TUHSD Governing Board Members

  • Governing Board Members are elected to four-year terms in non-partisan elections to represent the residents within the district’s boundaries. Elections are held in November every other year. The majority of Board seats (three in our district) are up for election in presidential election years. Board members volunteer their time and meet several times per month. Boardsmanship requires a significant time commitment, not only in terms of meetings and related events but in preparation. Our Governing Board is a member of the Arizona School Boards Association.

    Individuals interested in running for the Governing Board may request more information from the Maricopa County School Superintendent’s Office at (602) 506-3866.

Current Governing Board

Public Notices & Governing Board Meetings

Governing Board Contact

  • Vanessa Lopez, MPA
    Executive Assistant to the Governing Board & Superintendent
    (480) 839-0292 x11010