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Students - Get [IN]VOLVED

There are over 40 clubs and organizations on McClintock's campus that PPA students can join.

Extracurricular Activities

At PPA, we encourage students to become active in the wide variety of clubs, activities, and sports that are available. Many of the musical organizations and athletics are fee-based, and some clubs do have membership requirements. Students are also encouraged to try out for the many athletic teams. Eligibility packets are available through the main activities office.

To see a complete list of all current clubs and activities at McClintock High School that are open to all PPA students.
  • "You get the benefit of having the best possible education and being able to become involved in just about anything, whether it be any of the fine arts, sports, academic or entertaining clubs. It is possible to be involved in all these activities and still maintain your grades." ~ Mira Theilmann, Class of 2015
2013 Science Olympiad Team

Community Service

Hours Required by Year
8 Hours | Freshman
10 Hours | Sophomore
12 Hours | Junior
15 Hours | Senior
Community service is a way to become a working, beneficial, essential part of the community in which you live. All PPA English students will be required to perform community service and provide documentation of the service completed. All ideas for community service will be presented to the teacher, prior to the start, in order to know if it is acceptable for the class requirement.

Students Painting
This service needs to be genuine service, provided by you, directly affecting your community. For example, babysitting for free is not considered a genuine community service. In the past students have volunteered at facilities such as veterinarian offices, Habitat for Humanity, March of Dimes, Walk for Autism, and various local nonprofits. Think creatively and remember that you will be reflecting on your experiences. Summer hours do not count; all hours must be performed during the school year.

When providing documentation, you will hand in a letter on letterhead signed by the adult in charge of the event. noting the hours and duties performed. It is advisable that you keep a journal of your experience, noting both emotional thoughts and explanatory information. You will want to know some history of the person or place that you choose to assist.
  • "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead