Procedural Safeguards Notice
The school must provide you with a written explanation of your rights under both the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Arizona laws at least once per year. You may ask the school for a verbal explanation of these rights if you need it. Click on the links below to access the Procedural Safeguards Notice in your native language.
A parent-friendly companion for the Procedural Safeguards Notice is available from the Arizona Department of Education here: Traveling the Special Education Highway - PDF I Viaje por la autopista de Educación Especial - PDF.
Summary of Key Points in the IDEA Procedural Safeguards
This summary is provided to assist parents in understanding their procedural safeguards by highlighting the key points in the procedural safeguards notice. This summary does not include all of the parent rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Arizona laws. In order to be informed about all of your rights under the IDEA and Arizona laws please consult the full procedural safeguards document - PDF.
Right to be informed: You will be notified about any changes to your child's education plan or evaluation process. This includes when the school wants to add or deny certain services. This notice is provided to you on a form called a Prior Written Notice (PWN). The notice must include what the school/district proposes or refuses to do and why. The Prior Written Notice is a document developed by the school/district to communicate with the parent/student, not by the IEP team. When the school provides you with a written notice it must be written in language that is understandable to the general public. A Prior Written Notice (PWN) must be provided in your native language (this includes Braille).
Participation in meetings: You have the right to attend all meetings about your child's education, including IEP meetings. You may request an IEP meeting by contacting your child’s case manager. When an additional IEP meeting is requested during the school year that is not the annual review, an IEP meeting must be scheduled by the school within 45 school days of the written parent request.
Informed Consent required: The school must get your permission before evaluating your child for special education or providing special education services for the first time. For questions about the evaluation process, contact the School Psychologist at your child’s school.
Access to records: You can see your child's educational records and request an explanation if needed. You can also ask for corrections. To review your child’s records, contact your school’s administrative office. To request a copy of your child’s special education records for your records or use, contact your school’s Student Services Assistant.
Independent evaluation: If you disagree with the school's evaluation of your child, you can request an independent educational evaluation. The school must consider the results of the evaluation but is not required to accept the findings of an independent evaluation. To request an independent evaluation, contact the Student Services Coordinator at your child’s school or the Director of Student Services for Tempe Union High School District.
Arizona Department of Education Dispute Resolution: If you disagree with a school decision and are unable to resolve it with the school or district, you can use specific steps to help resolve the issue. In Arizona, these options are available through the Department of Education: requesting a facilitated IEP meeting, requesting mediation, filing a state complaint, or initiating a due process hearing. You may also file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights for the U.S. Department of Education if you believe there is discrimination against your child.
For additional assistance in understanding your rights and required special education procedures the following agencies are available in Arizona to assist you:
Parent Information Network: Raising Special Kids
Tel 602-242-4366; Toll Free 800-237-3007
E-mail: |
Protection and Advocacy Agency: Arizona Center for Disability Law
Tel/TDD 602-274-6287; Toll Free 800-927-2260
E-mail: |