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Students with Diabetes

Students with diabetes will be permitted to have immediate access to blood glucose testing equipment and to carry the equipment with them at all times if those accommodations are medically necessary based upon appropriate documentation. In such situations, students shall not be subject to discipline for carrying their equipment on school grounds or at school functions.

The process to be followed in the case of a student with diabetes who is seeking accommodations is as follows:

  • The parent/guardian and the student medical doctor must complete the Diabetes Medical Management form (available from the 504 Counselor or the nurse) and return the completed form to the school nurse. The school nurse will keep this information on file.
  • A Section 504 team meeting will be held to develop a written 504 Accommodation Plan for the student.
  • The parent/guardian shall be responsible for providing the school nurse with updated medical information as it pertains to the appropriateness of the student Section 504 plan.

Protection of Students

A student whose Section 504 Plan includes an accommodation to allow the student to carry diabetes testing equipment shall not be subject to discipline for carrying their testing equipment on school grounds or to school functions.

  • The student shall take extraordinary precautions to secure the testing equipment and under no circumstances shall give, provide, or make available the item(s) to another student.
  • The student shall immediately report a loss or theft of the testing equipment to the school nurse.
  • Any student who carries testing equipment without following the proper procedures may be subject to disciplinary action.