- Marcos de Niza
- Marcos Business Academy
BU20 Computer Applications and Trends in Technology
1.0 Credit
Students will learn and apply software, multimedia, and web-based programs such as
Microsoft Office (including Access database); Flash (digital animation); desktop publishing
and webpage software; Google Applications; and an introduction to the Adobe Creative
Suite (including Photoshop). Essential internet skills such as social networking and video
communication etiquette and web page creation will be integrated into this project-based
class. Students will complete an employment unit to prepare traditional paper-based
employment documents as well as on-line practices including digital documents and
video resumes. Arizona Academic Math and Language Arts Standards (AIMS) are integrated
throughout the curriculum. [Board Adopted 2000] [Board Revised 2003] [Board
Revised 2004] [Board Revised 2010]
Prerequisities: None
Homework: Minimal
Degree of Difficulty: Average
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12