- Marcos de Niza
- Marcos Business Academy
EN55, HI81 Design Productions 5-6 (Yearbook)
1.0 Credit
This class is for students who have completed Design Productions 1-4. It is the production
course for the school yearbook, and an opportunity for students to participate in
advanced projects as well as work based learning situations related to Graphic Communications.
Students produce page designs and write, edit, and proofread copy, captions,
and headlines. Students may fill advanced editorial positions for the yearbook
staff, and market and distribute the yearbook. Students have the opportunity to build
their portfolios. PA or VE credit is dependent upon teacher certification and site approved
CTE program. [Board Adopted 1998][Board Revised 2008]
Prerequisites: Design Productions 1-2 and 3-4
Homework: Average
Degree of Difficulty: Moderate
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course fee required