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College Resources

Students and families are encouraged to attend college fairs and events leading up to and including your senior year. Attending college events and fairs as an underclassman helps students and families learn about opportunities they otherwise may not know about.

  • Discover college options outside of your zip code
  • Learn more about college admission processes
  • Make an impression
  • Gain free advice from 10-100s of colleges in ONE spot
  • Learn about summer programs, scholarships, and much more!

TUHSD offers district college evening events throughout the year at different campuses. Check the College and Career Events Calendar and Event tab in Maia Learning.

Maia Learning Logo

Maia Learning - website is used by all TUHSD students to create their ECAPs, including making 4-year plans for post-secondary education. Students use character assessments to help them discover more about themselves and the careers and majors they may want to pursue. Students and families will use this tool to make plans about careers, colleges and financial aid. 

The City of Tempe College Connect Offers Workshop Series

College Connect

City of Tempe College Connect - website is a service provided to high school students and their parents, including one on one advising and workshops. 


  • College preparation timelines
  • Funding via college savings plans
  • Careers & college majors
  • Getting the most out of College Fairs
  • Funding via financial aid & scholarships
  • Scholarship searches
  • Essay writing  
  • FAFSA: overview & completion

Additional College Resources

  • ACT (American College Test) website – An assessment test that covers English, Math, Reading, and Science.
  • Admissions Blog - website – This blog discusses all things related to the college admissions process for all students and families (not just those applying to Georgia Tech). Subscribe to get new posts in your email or search the archives for specific topics or questions.
  • College Dictionary - website All the abbreviations, acronyms and other related college terms you need to know.
  • Deferment (Self Initiated) - website – If you are planning to take a year or more off between high school and college, check with your colleges of interest on their deferment policies and procedures. Merit scholarships at many universities are for first-year students. These scholarships can often be deferred and held until you return for college but you must apply for school/FAFSA during your senior year of high school and then work with the school to complete their deferment procedures.
  • Deferment (College Initiated) - website – Students who apply for early decision may receive a deferred decision. That means that the college wants to review the application again with the rest of the applications from incoming students. Or it can also mean that the applicant needs to submit additional documentation.
  • Net Price Calculator - website – Powerful tool in helping students and their families plan for college financially. Enter family financial information for an institution and it will give you an estimate of costs for one year of undergraduate study.
  • PSAT (Pre-Scholastic Assessment Test) - website – A practice test for the SAT, usually taken by juniors in the fall. 
  • SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) - website – An assessment that measures a student’s verbal, mathematical, and writing skills for college.