Grades - StudentVUE & Canvas
StudentVUE & Canvas
StudentVUE helps students stay informed and connected by providing access to classroom information as well as attendance, discipline, messages, grades, immunization compliance, transcripts & graduation status.
Canvas is a leading-edge online classroom tool that provides teachers a universal approach to engage students by providing materials, calendars, assignments, communication, quizzes, and tests for classes in one place available online from school or home.
Please access StudentVUE &/or Canvas through your Rapid Identity Login:
- Incoming Freshman will set up their StudentVUE and Canvas accounts during Freshman Orientation (for dates and times, contact your specific campus).
- New students to TUHSD will set up these accounts with the Library staff during their first week of school and/or when registering throughout the year.
- Returning students will continue to use their existing accounts for StudentVUE and Canvas.
StudentVUE is available as a mobile app:
Instructions for setting up ParentVUE & StudentVUE on mobile device apps
Please note: Parents needing a ParentVue Activation Code need to show an ID in the Front Office to receive the ParentVue Activation Letter.
Students: If you need an Activation Code for your StudentVUE account, or need help accessing your StudentVUE, please go to the Library.
StudentVUE & Canvas Support
Forgot your password?
Students - Please contact the library to have your password reset for your accounts.